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Improve in the Food sector

The Food sector is very complex and intricate.
Its production processes require constant and precise monitoring.
The implementation of advanced control systems optimizes resources, reduces waste, and improves efficiency, always ensuring compliance with the required standards and regulations.

The main activities performed are:

  • Monitoring of production efficiency
  • Statistical Process Control
  • Weighing of items
  • Maintenance management


The implementation of IMPROVE brings numerous benefits, significantly improving both sustainability and the efficiency of production operations.
Greater Sustainability 
More efficient resource management, reducing waste and environmental impact, ensures a more sustainable and eco-friendly production
Centralized data 
The interconnection of machinery enables centralized management and greater visibility of the entire production process
Compliance and Quality of the final product 
The continuous and accurate monitoring of weighing operations ensures that data is correctly recorded and that current regulations, such as Law 690, are complied with
Increase in production efficiency 
Companies can avoid slowdowns and optimize processing times, improving overall efficiency through the reduction of machine downtime and waste
The partial objectives

The partial objectives

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regarding the case study of the sector Food