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Artificial Intelligence Algorithms

Automatic Intelligent Out of Control Action Proposal

A.I.O.C.A.P is an Artificial Intelligence system for decision support in solving quality and process issues.

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Intelligent Decision Support System: Optimization of Quality Control and Management of Anomalies

The system makes decisions by combining utility and probability concepts, using a knowledge base tested during quality control and in case of detected defects.
The operator receives notifications of anomalies and views the most probable causes, along with a sequence of actions to solve the problem.
After verifying and resolving the anomaly, the operator confirms the solution, thereby strengthening the system for future similar issues.

Problem Solving

Real-time support for resolving quality issues during production processes. The system provides automatic suggestions, based on a probabilistic evaluation of the process and a Action-State utility model, learned based on the operator's choices.

Knowledge transfer

Transfer knowledge from human resources to the machine through the implementation of Machine Learning,based on a solid knowledge base. This process also promotes the transfer of skills from experienced operators to less experienced ones, improving the individual performance.

The logic of the system: actions suggested by the Smart Agent

Quality Control

The system makes decisions by combining utility and probability concepts, and after creating the knowledge base, it tests the quality (sample inspection performed by the operator)

Waste Analysis

The system detects malfunctions or anomalies during production in real-time (e.g., an andon system)

Achieved results

The system, thanks to the logic of reinforcement learning, progressively improves starting from the knowledge base built by experts.
This knowledge transfer has made the system, in a very short time, autonomous and almost infallible.
These results have finally culminated in a scientific publication titled “A decision theory approach to support action plans in cooker hoods manufacturing

Implementation of the Bayesian Network for the Probabilistic Management of Quality Issues

The first step in implementing an A.I.O.C.A.P. system is to create a probabilistic knowledge base.
This base, organized into a Bayesianan Network, allows the system to propose solutions in the form of an action plan.

The Bayesian network calculates the degree of probabilistic belief about the current state of the process, following events related to quality issues automatically detected by the system.

Learning curve

The graphs related to the use at a client’s facility highlight how, after about a year of learning, the system achieved an average of 95% succes on the first attempt.

In the initial phase, the graph shows a learning trend, although with some fluctuations. However, in just a few months, the system achieves excellent results.

The added value of the system is confirmed by the support it provides to new operators, who are not experts in the production process. The system transfers the knowledge learned from experienced operators, thus optimizing learning and performance.

Artificial Intelligence Algorithms

Optimization of Production Processes: A Case Study in the Kitchen Hood Sector

The project led to a case study, which was the basis for a scientific publication that won the “Second Best Paper” award from the University of Cartagena, under the theme “Manufacturing and Industrial Process Design.” The title of the paper is “A decision theory approach to support action plans in cooker hoods manufacturing.

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