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Pick To Light
Pick To Light

Pick to Light

It is a very useful solution to support operators, especially in assembly.
Its purpose is to guide the operator step by step.
Working in this way saves time and drastically reduces errors.

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Pick to Light is a strategic tool for both improving efficiency and quality, as it aims to eliminate human errors and speed up the assembly procedures.

More Efficiency

A significant increase in quality and speed for picking and sorting

Less Waste

Reduction in training time for new personnel


More efficient management of the Inventory Management System
Pick To Light

Use Cases

The tools required for assembly are grouped by type in different drawers. Each drawer will be equipped with a light that will turn on when it's time to take a particular screw or bolt. Once the piece is taken, the operator will press a button to turn off that light and turn on the light for the next component.

Pick to light is particularly effective when used for kit preparation (for delivery or assembly) and for assembling complex products (such as an engine).

  • Kit Preparation: During kit preparation for delivery, the operator can use the Pick to Light system, which will guide them in selecting the parts to include in the kit
  • Product Assembly:: The operator is guided step by step in using the various parts to assemble the product

In both cases, the Pick to Light system allows the operator to work faster, minimizing errors to the maximum extent.

Ready to improve
your processes?

Every small change, if done with awareness, can have a big impact.

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