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S-EWO Modules
S-EWO Modules


The Safety module is one of the key tools for companies adopting the strategies of World Class Manufacturing (WCM).
Dedicated to workplace safety, it represents the first pillar of WCM, ensuring a safe working environment that complies with excellence standards.

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World Class Safety: The S-EWO Modules and Tags

The S-EWO modules and TAGs are essential tools for ensuring safety within a company, forming the core of the Safety aspect in World Class Manufacturing (WCM).

Both involve individuals with different roles and privileges in the system’s database, including the module compiler, the approval team, and the central management.

What is the purpose of the S-EWO Module?

The S-EWO Module is used to identify dangerous situations and initiate preventive actions to avoid injuries. For example, it can report a slippery step or an unstable shelf, starting a process to identify and resolve the issue, thus preventing the incident from recurring.

Advantages of the S-EWO modules:

  • Timely intervention for emergencies and necessary care
  • Reduction of indirect management costs
Prevention is always more cost-effective than treatment

World Class Safety: The S-EWO Modules and Tags

The S-EWO modules and TAGs are essential for company safety, involving various roles and levels of responsibility. Each company can customize the process, with an approval team and central management overseeing reports and corrective actions based on organizational needs. This approach ensures safe and structured management of business operations.

The workflow of the S-EWO

Filling out and submitting

The compiler fills out the S-EWO module and submits it to the approval team.

Verification and analysis

The approval team reviews the module, highlighting any residual risks and defining additional action plans if necessary.

Re-verification and feedback

After re-verification, the module is returned to the compiler with any updates.

Extension of practices

If the approval team deems it necessary, they can propose extending the solutions to other locations.
In this case, the proposal is sent to central management.

Final Decision

Central management decides whether to extend the preventive solutions to all the involved locations.

TAG: Safety Tool for Dangerous Prevention

The TAG is a fundamental tool for signaling conditions that could pose a danger and preventing potentially hazardous situations, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries at work.
The workflow for creating a TAG involves the compiler and an approval team. The process includes the following stages:

  • The compiler completes the TAG and submits it to the approval team
  • The team verifies and closes the TAG
  • The approval team handles any extensions of the TAG

The origin of the name

The name of the S-EWO module is inspired by the Emergency Work Order (EWO), with the addition of the prefix "S" which stands for "Safety."

S-EWO Modules

S-EWO Module Reports: Analysis and Data Comparison for Safety

The effectiveness of the S-EWO modules lies in the extensive reporting capabilities that allow for easy analysis and comparison of large amounts of data.
The main types of reports include:

  • Green Cross:
  • Displays the trend of injuries day by day, month by month

  • Injury Table:
  • Monthly report of recorded injuries

  • Forms:
  • Updated form for the current month

  • Safety Book:
  • Monthly injury data, with trends indicated for each macro area

  • Injury Graphs:
  • Visual analysis of injuries

  • Unsafe Charts:
  • Monitoring of non-compliant safety conditions

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