The contents of the Visual SOP are organized into real 'playlists,' structured by workstation, item category, and individual items. Each playlist follows a precise and functional sequence, presenting the contents in a logical order.
The contents can include various formats, such as PDFs, images, videos, and URLs.
Additionally, they are interactive and flow automatically according to predefined times and sequences, with the option for the operator to pause the information process when needed.

Monitor, mini computer (such as a NUC), and Internet connection are necessary to implement VISUAL SOP.
The monitor and mini PC are connected via the power cable, a HDMI cable for displaying information, and a USB cable for data management

Graphical interface
The Visual SOP interface features a large central area dedicated exclusively to content display.
On the right, there is a menu that allows navigation between the different categories of the playlist.
At the bottom of the screen, there is a navigation menu to switch between contents, a display showing the remaining time for the next content, and a button to enlarge the content to full screen