Next To Biblioteca La Fornace
Next has joined the project “The library is a place that connects, a place of action”, promoted by the Municipality of Maiolati Spontini (AN).
The goal is to build and strengthen over the years a partnership for the cultural enhancement of the territory through a shared program with the La Fornace library in Moie, the beneficiary of the collaboration.
Specifically, we have chosen to use the Art Bonus and sponsorship tools to enhance its services and promote the use of the library, both by citizens and by Next employees.
The role of Next
The aim of the project is to have a role as a “cultural facilitator“: being able to contribute to the transmission of knowledge to the community is a challenge that Next wants to embrace because culture has no “form,” and digital is “just a tool.”
Among the proposed projects, it was decided to create, together with the library, an event that delves into the theme of Artificial Intelligence, as well as other training courses for 2025.

From Artificial Intelligence to Augmented Intelligence
Today, humanity undoubtedly needs Artificial Intelligence, but Artificial Intelligence also requires someone who knows how to “govern” and “use” it to its fullest potential.
That’s why there is also a need for Augmented Intelligence—people who can “see” things from a broader perspective. This is a gift that only culture can provide.