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To drive evolution in Sustainabilityin Artificial Intelligencein Machine Learningin Researchin Lean manufacturingin WCM

AI Solutions for Improving Production Performance

AI Solutions for improving production performance

Next aims to be a driver of digitalization for any industrial entity.

The digitalization of all business processes, especially those related to the manufacturing sector, can be the key to overcoming the most important challenge, particularly for future generations.

Digitalization also enables the creation of an agile and continuous flow of communication and sharing.

By doing so, it also aims to carve out an increasingly significant role in building a more sustainable, greener world.

AI Solutions for Improving Production Performance: MyHydra
AI Solutions for Improving Production Performance: MyHydra
AI Solutions for Improving Production Performance: MyHydra

MyHydra was created with the goal of shaping digital identities capable of making proactive decisions, adapting to the context, and interacting naturally with users


Polymorphic Identities


Flexible System

approccio umano-centrico

Human-Centered Approach

AI Solutions for Improving Production Performance: IMPROVE


Digitalization that integrates intelligence and innovation into every stage of production processes.

Continuous improvement

Data knowledge is the foundation of any growth journey.
Acquiring, monitoring, and discovering areas for improvement—that is the “job” of IMPROVE.

Process Digitalization

Digitalizing processes means, first and foremost, digitalizing information, enabling its rapid flow toward the company’s decision-making channels.

Eliminating Waste

Improvement means knowing exactly where waste is hidden and where we can find room for growth.

It also means creating a more sustainable process.


Process Rationalization

IMPROVE is also a tool based on the principles of lean production and WCM: two methodologies that have made process rationalization their reason for being.

AI Solutions for Improving Production Performance: Proled


Designing electrical lines according to current regulations: speed, reliability, and continuous evolution to keep pace with the roadmap for the energy transition.



Next collaborates with leading electrical distribution companies to provide everyone with a valid and constantly updated tool.



NEXT is associated with CEI, specifically with group CT-7, which specifies the practical guidelines for designing overhead electrical lines.



Proled is present not only in Italy but also in Spain, Romania, Chile, Colombia, Brazil, Peru, and Argentina.



NEXT is involved at the national level in training designers of electrical lines, thanks to its collaboration with Elis, a training organization with which NEXT is consorted.

Next to Sustainability _

To drive evolution for
a greener world

Next to Goals

Next in “figures“: they tell a story and outline trajectories that always aim “a little further

Countries where we are present
production lines managed by IMPROVE
Industrial plants using IMPROVE

Lines of code

Next to Research _

To drive evolution in technology
Next to

World Class Manufacturing

Next to Partners _