Why NeXT
Our mission has a defined point which is also a starting point: our Technology
We’re starting from here in order to satisfy all the needs of whoever wants to be more competitive… and contribute to building a Green World

Agent programming: flexible and agile software solutions, AI Ready

Know how in international projects thanks to the 10 years of experience with international corporations

Multiplicity of installations
NeXT systems have been installed all over the world in multiple plants: stability and reliability have been confirmed by each single one of our partners

Lean Software Development
It’s an organizing method that allows us to keep in touch with our customers and with its feedback during the entire project

Green Company
NeXT is a green company, as it produces the necessary energy to run the entire corporation through solar panels

NeXT thinks of herself as a “family” This vision defines the relationships between the employees, the partners, suppliers and collaborators. Working with NeXT means entering this family
Total Digitizaion
The success of our partners depends on their ability to identify and assign priority to the most crucial KPIs, which are necessary tools in order to measure the progress and shortcomings of the company.
NeXT’s Mission is to provide this knowledge through a digital transformation process, helping the decision makers to reach the continuous improvement objectives.

Change of perspective:
the Client at the core
We’re not looking for customers to sell our products to.
We’re looking for solutions for our customers.
If the Product is not the main focus, it’s the Customer.
Making the partner feel at the core of the project by giving him extreme attention is what we do to improve the user experience: Lean Software Development, UX & UI design are the tools we use.
An Innovative SME
Both the human and economic resources we invested in Research & Development led to the subscription to the register of the Chamber of Commerce of Ancona as an Innovative SME since 2017.
This status makes our software solutions ideal to be applied in the Industry 4.0 environments, and in particular NeXT, since its foundations, has always pushed its research towards Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning models. That allowed us to be involved in several concrete projects.

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