The light runs through
ProLED designed lines
in every house

Created together with


  • Creation and design of new lines, verification of existing lines
  • Compliance to all the regulations of the country where the project’s being developed
  • Insertion, handling and perfectioning of the topographic survey
  • Insertion and hanling of the brench of the backbone
  • Importing the survey in dxf, ASCII and Shape file formate
  • Possibility to design with Google Maps or from the track
  • Three-Dimensional distance verifications
  • Stringing calculation of an existing line and report spheres
  • Picketing & stringing table generation; pdf, shape file and dxf export
ProLED workflow

Let’s start designing

ProLED is a web-based application. No installation is required as well as no saving during the development process. It’s also an ideal solution for sharing projects with other colleagues.

ProLED free version

We made a free version of ProLED dedicated to the designers involved in relief perfectioning (not in the complete project). In order to obtain the credentials compile the following form.


3 + 2 =

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