Vibco: quality control through vibrational analysis
The Vibco is a software module that executes the quality control basing on the vibrational analysis and noiseness, applied then to each product that could vibrate. Vibco can improve the quality of the product by isolating and removing the acoustic problems.
Vibco: main features
The quality of certain typologies of product can be ascertained scientifically by overcoming the common sensor analysis such as the tactile and visual ones.
Fault characterization
Acquisition of the signal and Fournier Analysis
Evaluation of the sound level intensity
Acoustic analysis in octaves
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Model configuration
Vibco offers the possibility to define, for each product dedicated to testing, the noise model associated to specific faults.
The image on the side represents the modellation of a fume hood with various speeds.

Test analysis
For each test it’s possible to analyze the results at any rotor speed.
By selecting the elaborated frequency bandwidths it’s possible to visualize the related spectrum and the detected sound intensity.
Test traceability
Each test gets tracked and can be researched and compared with the others.
The possibility to quickly research the various tests depending on various conditions is particularly cured.

Test confrontation
Overlay of the spectrum of different tests, and comparison of the bandwith noise intensity.
In the image the respect of the defined bandwidth threshold on the sound intensity is evident.
Out of control
Overlay of the spectrums with evidence of out of controls.
Confrontation between compliant spectrums and non compliant, configuration of the relative noise thresholds.

Product Analysis
Graphic analysis of the sound intensity value trends gathered for specific products.
Immediate vision of the creation of reference clusters, in order to refine the out of control thresholds.
"Quality means doing things right when no one is watching."
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