- Modulo EEM (Early Equipment Management)
- Modulo Monitoraggio efficienza (OEE + Andon)
- Modulo Manutenzione (Machine ledger)
by Domenico Carbone | Nov 13, 2023 | Software
The state of art It has been stated that within 2040, 80 milions chilometres of power lines will have to be renewed and other will have to be added. In order to understand the extent of this matter, it must be considered that the whole lenght of the global grid, that...Queste attività sono state progettate per tutti gli stabilimenti del mondo del gruppo Franke.
Creation of “ProLED“, software for the design and mechanical calculation for medium and low-voltage power lines.
These activities are designed for all the Franke Group’s plants in the world.
Realizzazione di “ProLED“, software per la progettazione e calcolo meccanico di linee elettriche di media e bassa tensione
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